Moorebank Shopping Village Medical Centre
We Thrive on Building a Healthy Community for All Individuals.
We offer a full range of bulk billing general practice and allied health services for Moorebank, Georges Fair and surrounding suburbs.Visit our medical centre and our custom designed facilities including general practice, physiotherapy, podiatry, pathology, psychology, dietetics and exercise physiology.
We take pride in offering the highest standard of medical care to our patients.
Appointment -
Influenza vaccines are available from April 1st, please book online or call the practice to book an appointment for your annual flu vaccination. Annual influenza vaccines should occur anytime from April onwards to be protected for the peak flu season, which is generally June to September.

Stay safe, get your
COVID-19 vaccine
booster shot
If you’re aged 18 years and over and your second dose was more than six months ago, you can now receive a booster vaccination.
You can check when you received your second dose by looking at your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
Getting the booster vaccination is not mandatory but it will strengthen your immune system and help maintain a high level of protection against serious illness from the COVID-19 virus.
Moorebank Medical Centre
Managed Health Services
moorebank Medical Centre
Happy with Customers & Clients
Our Doctors
Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of family, cosmetics. From preventive care to chronic issues, our medical care providers partner with you for all your healthcare needs.
Our highest goal is to help you reach and maintain your optimal state of health, no matter where you are in life.

Dr David Huynh
MBBS (Syd) FRACGP, DIP Child Health, Acupuncturist

Dr Midhat Syed
Dip Child Health MBBS, AMC,FRACGP

Dr Rajiv Pothen
Manage Health Services When in Emergency
From preventive care to chronic issues, our medical care providers partner with you for all your healthcare needs.

+2 9601 6886
The most qualified, skillful and professional staff
Get In Touch
We're Available
Monday – Friday : 08:30am – 05:30pm
(closed between 1pm – 2pm)
Saturday : 08:30am – 12:30pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
You don't have to live with foot pain
Eagle Vale Medical Centre
Shop 12, 180 Gould Road,
Eagle Vale NSW 2558
Phone: (02) 9820 3100
Chipping Norton Medical Centre
Shop 15, 45 Barry Road,
Chipping Norton NSW 2170
Phone: (02) 9726 9300